Monday, July 9, 2012

What Is a Corporate Jet Charter?

f you operate a business or are an executive at a business, looking into corporate jet charter is one of the smartest things you can do. Corporate charter allows you to streamline your travel operations and allows you to get key personnel and important customers where they need to be in a fast, efficient and convenient way. Corporate charter ensures you make a great impression with clients, can help you to capture top talent and avoids the wasted hours and lost productivity that go along with flying commercial. Of course, not everyone fully understand jet charter or what is involved, so it is important to do your research and learn more about this great option for travel so that you can make an informed choice.

Corporate Jet Charter Explanation

Corporate jet charter is a method of using private aircraft that is an alternative to jet ownership, jetcard programs or fractional ownership programs. With corporate charter, essentially you charter or rent an aircraft- and everything needed to fly that aircraft including the pilot- when you need it. This means that you are not paying the cost of maintenance, you are not paying the cost of a crew, you aren't paying to store your airplane and you don't have to use the jet when you do not need it. Instead, private jet charter makes it simple and easy to get access to a private aircraft only when you need one.

Corporate jet charter allows you to enjoy the maximum flexibility possible when it comes to meeting your travel needs. Since you don't own an aircraft, you are not limited as far as what type of jet or plane you can use. This means that you have choices- you can opt for a heavy jet, a super midsize jet, a midsize jet or a light jet and turbo prop depending on where you are going, how many people you need to transport and other relevant factors.

You can also enjoy taking a jet that travels to many more destinations than commercial airlines do. While most commercial airlines fly into around 550 airports total, a charter can open up the doors to fly into as many as 5500 different airports. This means that no matter where you are going, you will be able to get very close to your final destination. Not only does this help you to solve logistical problems such as renting a car or making connections, but it also saves you a lot of time and hassle.

Corporate jet charter is clearly a great option for many reasons. In fact, corporate charter provides you with more than just convenience- your corporate executives may be even more productive if they are doing work in the air than when they are doing work in the office, according to some studies.

With so many benefits of corporate jet charter combined with the fact that charter is the most cost-effective way to fly private for your corporation, it is clear that corporate charter is the right choice for many businesses. To learn more about how corporate charter can work for your company or for your next trip, contact a private jet company today.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

How The Air Ambulance Has Changed

The history of the air ambulance dates back to the 1870s especially during the Franco-Prussian war. During these battles more than 160 soldiers were carried from the battlefields to hospitals using hot air balloons. This idea was based on the concept used by Napoleon who had devised a way of moving wounded soldiers to from battlefields in order to receive better medical attention.

The wounded soldiers would be taken to trauma facilities where they would be stabilized and then moved to nearby hospitals. Hot air balloons were quite temperamental as well as being unstable for use in bad weather hence when the Wright brothers successfully made the first fixed-wing aircraft in 1903, the age of the winged air rescue services began taking shape.

The first test flight for moving wounded personnel failed miserably in 1910 when it crash landed after only 500 yards; however hope burned bright in the hearts of airmen this was possible. A successful air rescue using a fixed wing aircraft was carried out in 1917 in Turkey involving a British soldier wounded in action. The soldier was successfully moved from the field to a medical centre in a record 45 minutes by air. If the authorities had insisted on moving him by road they would have taken 3 days to reach the hospital.

This operation sent a clear message to the authorities that if casualties could be moved quickly the mortality rate of the wounded could be greatly reduced. It is important to note that these services only applied to wounded military personnel not civilians.

Today the air ambulance has become an important aspect of quasi-government operation. There are now private air transport services contracted by cities, counties and states to offer emergency services when required.

When these services are contracted by the local authorities or states the taxpayer shoulders most of the cost but in some instances patients or their families pay for them. Modern air rescue services may involve a paramedic team that rushes to the scene of accident and moves the injured to a medical centre.

On the other hand a team consisting of a doctor and nurse may be transported to the disaster scene to administer treatment before the patient is airlifted to a medical facility. The following are some of the aspects of rescue services by air that have changed since the first successful operation:

  • Rescue is carried out by medical aircraft. Flights are made possible by either helicopters, which can access the most remote terrains, or by fixed wing aircraft.
  • Civilian rescue services have gained popularity and most people can access the services either by subscription or in case they reside in state or city that use such methods in instances that require urgent medical attention.
  • Treatment can be administered at the scene of accident thus improving the survival chances of the wounded by a wide margin.
  • Air rescue is much safer today due to technological advancement which ensures that patients are handled and moved with more care thus minimizing the chances of aggravating their delicate conditions during while on transit.

Air ambulance services have come a long way since the first flight but in the process many lives have been rescued and countless lessons have been learned. These rescue services have made it possible for patients to be rescued and treated in time, thus making the world a better place for humankind than ever before.

This news article is brought to you by ANNIVERSARIES - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Air Ambulances: Things You Need To Know About

Medical emergencies happen all the time and they mostly happen unexpectedly. Whenever a medical emergency happens to a person in an area where there is no medical team present, in an area where his or her condition could not be managed by the medical staff, and he or she needs to be transferred to another location, then air ambulances are there to help.

An air ambulance is an aircraft that is utilized for medical emergencies where a patient needs to be transferred to another location and air transportation the best option because a typical ambulance can't reach the area fast enough. A jet is used when a patient needs to be transported to a location that is more than 500 miles away.

The people included in the flight are 2 pilots: a first officer and a captain, who are highly experienced, have gone through recurrent simulator training. Both possess the highest FAA pilot certification. Also present on the flight are 2 or more members from a medical crew. One is a paramedic that is registered nationally. The other one is a critical care nurse with experience in ER, ICU and CCU. All members of the staff on board have gone through fight physiology training, too. Other medical specialists can be included in the flight if the patient's case calls for it. The patient could also be accompanied by 1 or 2 companions or family members so as to decrease the stress he or she might feel during the air travel.

These aircraft are designed to give passengers an experience that is stress free. Stress is lessened because the flight crew will arrange all the important details, ground transportation, and manage all payment information. They transfer the patient to and from the aircraft by ground ambulance and they have the medical crew accompany them from the jet's bed to the hospital's bed.

Because no one can ever predict if there will be an emergency that will occur while the patient is on board, these aircraft contain equipment needed for any medical emergency. All the materials available are just like the ones you would usually see in a hospital, except for the fact that these are portable. Also, almost everything inside the aircraft is high quality medical-grade equipment. Materials that can usually be found are ventilators, a variety of medications, stretchers, cardiac monitors and a whole lot more.

These services can cost quite a lot, depending on the medical needs of the patient and what his or his case requires. The calculation of the price of this service approximately ranges from $15,000 to $50,000. This prices also depends on which state or country the client is in or on which company he or she will pick. There will be a flight coordinator who will assist the client over the phone about the price of the services.

Although these types of flights can cost a lot of money, it is worth it to some and unavoidable at times.

This news article is brought to you by YARD AND EQUIPMENT - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Private Jet Hire, For a Comfortable and Hassle-Free Travel

If you wish to save time and as such the hassles while traveling for an important business assignment or work, opting for private charter Jet is a smart choice. Having a private charter aircraft can get you to experience unparalleled professional service, deluxe accommodation, and flight plans especially tailored to your needs. These jets are a great way of traveling across the globe for trips when one needs to travel alone or in small groups.

Having a personal charter aircraft may sound downright costly but given the unparalleled personalized service and the value that comes associated with it, it's worth every dime. These days, they are one of the most preferred means of traveling across the globe for the rich and famous. Many people find them a perfect option for family reunions that deserve an elite consideration.

Some of the many benefits of hiring a private charter aircraft include

i) A private charter plane allows the traveler to set his/her own schedule and thus can add to the overall convenience of traveling.

ii) Hiring a private aircraft can greatly cut on the delays in traveling as in case of commercial flights and travels which can get affected by a lot of extraneous factors.

iii) These can actually be rather inexpensive when compared to business class travel of executives on a regular basis. A company can save money by hiring this service than spending a fortune on business class fares routinely.

iv) When you travel through a personal charter plane, you are the boss. The pilots and attendants will work to ensure your maximum comfort and you are on time every time.

v) Unlike the commercial flights, where there can be a lot of disturbance owing to the crowd around, the charter ones are free of noise or any undue disturbances.

In the past, private aircraft hiring was considered lavish and a thing confined to royalty, high profile celebrities, or other so called elite class. Now with the changing scenario the private aircraft hire falls well within the reach of fairly successful businessmen, media people, entertainers et al. The private aircraft business works basically on reservation like other airplane businesses. However, it comes without the hassles. Depending upon the size of the aircraft you need and the seating capacity, you can make a choice from different models.

If you too have been looking to seek a private aircraft for hiring, you can browse the web to look for reliable providers. You can browse the websites of providers to have a look at different jet charter airports as well. There are airport directories to seek latest information on local and international airports and weather forecasts. Many of the vendors even offer exceptional assistance for people who wish to seek an aircraft for sale. Whether you want to travel for a business trip or wish to take your loved ones for a special excursion, hiring a private aircraft is a perfect way to save time and have an unforgettable experience.

This news article is brought to you by SELF-IMPROVEMENT - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 8, 2012

You Will Have A Hard Time Finding A Better Way To Travel

The positive aspects regarding chartering a private jet are so numerous it is difficult to know where to start. We should commence with convenience. Chartering a private jet is one of the most convenient ways to travel imaginable. Everything from how much you spend, what you eat, when you leave, where you leave from, who you travel with, and who is in command of your flying experience is within your control. While budgetary restrictions cause some components to be less flexible than others all aspects of private flying, no matter the budget, are a huge improvement over typical commercial travel.

Take the food for example. When chartering a private jet you may not only select the menu options you have to choose from but if you so desire you can select the caterer you want as well. Assuming the caterer provides flight service if you have a catering service in mind a charter company can work with them to deliver the meals you desire while in flight.

Associates traveling with you are within your control as well. No more guessing if the crying baby will sit near you or not. No more lottery of seeing who will take a seat next to you, whether they will be considerate or not, chatty or quiet, and have good personal hygiene or not. Who you travel with is completely up to you. You chartered the aircraft and if you don't want them to get onboard, they don't. It's as plain as that.

From a booking standpoint nothing is faster to get from your personal vehicle and into the air than a chartered private jet. Private parking is typically close to the terminal where the aircraft departs. The security checks are quick, and if any advanced screening must be done, it is done with privacy and discretion alternatively than out in the open as with commercial travel. Have a specific location you would like to fly out of and or into? Private charter aircraft can adjust to almost any departure or destination location. Your air crew will work with you to ensure your flight plan meets all your conditions for departure and arrival locations.

In the end flying on a chartered private jet is much like going to a fine dining establishment. Everyone involved is interested in you having a good time. They know you have discerning tastes and will return to them by name if they serve you well. A charter crew's main focus is on you so enjoy the attention for a change when you fly by chartering a private jet today.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Air Ambulance Travel Tips For US Citizens

Expert air ambulance travel tips for U.S. citizens. Get advice on getting help from the government, making financial arrangements, traveling with pets & more.

Air medical transport is normally divided into two categories: health emergencies and crisis evacuation. Health emergencies that might require this type of transportation include strokes, heart attacks, high-risk pregnancies, and organ transplants. A crisis evacuation might be used during times of natural disaster, or civil unrest occurring abroad.

If a U.S. citizen needs air ambulance travel tips regarding a health emergency or crisis that takes place overseas, there are half a dozen places where they can go to get the information they are looking for. A brief summary of these tips, additional advice, and practical information can be found below.

Getting help from the government

American citizens looking for help from their government is as simple as going online. A number of branches like the Department of State and the Bureau of Consular Affairs provide specific details about what to do during an emergency or evacuation.

Military transportation

While most people think of military services whenever a medevac is involved, the military is rarely involved in civilian air transportation. Nearly all medevacs used by Americans are privately owned charter jets.

Financial arrangements

Medical emergencies and overseas crisis situations tend to happen spontaneously. Health and travel insurance coverage might be required in countries outside of the U.S. and Canada, so citizens should alway inquire before traveling. Travelers should also prepare to pay for services upfront -- something many Americans will not be accustomed to. Believe it or not, Americans who are instructed by their government to leave a particular country due to unrest are still responsible for making their own financial arrangements. Citizens can, however, request special financial assistance from the Department of State if they are unable to make payments on their own.

Traveling with pets

Americans receiving state or federal medical air assistance are not generally permitted to travel with pets. Private and charter jets providing medical assistance will have rules and regulations about flying with pets. Travelers are encouraged to ask about such policies in advance when possible.

Staying informed

One great way for American citizens to stay informed before, during, and after an international medical flight is to sign up for a program called STEP. This is a free service provided the Bureau of Consular Affairs. News, alerts, and warnings will be emailed directly to travelers that sign up.

Travel documents and passports

Americans are strongly encouraged to travel with the appropriate documents and passports always. This is especially relevant when traveling by air ambulance. Valid proof of citizenship is required for Americans seeking assistance from embassies and consulates abroad.